Welcome to Contrapak

Put your packing solutions in our hands for shrink-wrapping, product assembly, hand collation labelling / relabelling, packing / repacking price stickering, barcodes, warehousing, pick, pack, and dispatch.
Anything a machine can't do — Contrapak can!

Company Profile

In this age of technology, machinery cannot produce satisfactory solutions to all packing requirements. Contrapak is committed to providing professional packing solutions by hand and this has led to our considerable growth over the years. Whether it is a simple assembly of product or promotional material, sample packs collated, products relabelled or repacked, Contrapak can handle just about any labour-intensive job, freeing up your skilled staff for other tasks.

Contrapak has earned a reputation for providing quality customer service by maintaining high quality control standards.
We listen to you!


Being involved in contract packing, waste packaging is a fact of life. Cardboard, plastics, polystyrene, paper, it all adds up and without a conscious effort on our part, it would all end up as landfill. At Contrapak we are actively involved in doing our bit to recycle as much waste as we can.

Cardboard boxes are reused or flattened and recycled separately. Clean plastics and polystyrene are reused as filler for packs, helping to protect against damage during transportation, or separately recycled keeping the amount of actual rubbish to a minimum.
Every little bit helps!

For enquiries email [email protected] or fill in the form below.


Contrapak operates in clean and secure premises ensuring your products are safe and in the best hands.
• Shrink-wrapping

• Labelling / relabelling

• Product assembly

• Packing / repacking

• Promotional assembly

• Pick, pack and dispatch nationwide

• Price stickers / Barcode stickers

• Storage

• Hand collation

• Warehousing

Contact Us

Too busy to spend your time on the phone, or maybe, you need to contact us after hours?
Fill out our enquiry form and we will endeavour to respond within 24 hours.

Physical Address: 20 Honan Place, Avondale, Auckland
Phone: (09) 820 4050

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